Friday, November 27, 2009

Aart, New Appaloosa Foal Resin

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving! I took Shadow out for a walk and visited with a neighbor for a bit. On our way back, we walked right into a huge flock of Bobwhites (tiny quail) in our driveway. They were so pretty. I have never seen them in person. For this city kid, it was quite a breathtaking site. They are about the size of pigeons (the city kid in me again!) but russet brown and white, with a distinctive white circle around the eye. They were nosing in the fallen leaves on the edge of the woods. There must have been dozens!

Today I'm sharing with you photos of Michelle Platt's newest resin, just added to our online store. Isn't he adorable? Meet Aart, Wyakin's little foal! He's LITTLE BITS scale to match her "wee Wyakin" release, the small scale Wyakin she did as a charity release. He is an edition size of 200 pieces and casting is by Resins by Randy, so do allow a few weeks for shipment, okay? But you can order him now...he's ready to go!

Michelle will have a scratching goal to match, and we will offer both foals for a little bit of a discount. If you want just Aart, go ahead and order. If you want them, both just tell me when you order Aart and I will extend the discount to you when I get his sister (!) listed. I don't have photos or info yet as little sis isn't at the casters yet but when I have it, I will post it.

This gorgeous painted Aart is called "Rum Raisin" and was created by Sherrylynne Shaver. I just love Sherrylynne's, so detailed!

Happy Thanksgiving (belated) and enjoy your day!

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